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My Summer Social Work Placement in Singapore - Melody Wu


'In the summer of 2023, I was privileged to take part in an internship program organized by the Department of Social Work. Singapore became my destination, with SCCFSC (South Central Community Family Service Centre) as my assigned placement. This exceptional opportunity not only expanded my practical knowledge in the field of social work but also enabled me to apply the theoretical concepts I had learned at Shue Yan University to real-life scenarios in casework and community work at SCCFSC. The nine-week duration of my internship provided me with invaluable insights and skills that traditional classroom learning could never replicate. 

This immersive experience profoundly deepened my understanding of the pivotal role social workers play and broadened my perspective on engaging with individuals in need. I learned to approach each member holistically, taking into account their strengths and informal support networks. Rather than solely relying on formal system support, such as directing them to apply for assistance, I discovered the transformative power of empowering individuals to utilize their own resources and networks to overcome challenges. 

This internship has equipped me with indispensable skills that will undeniably shape my future career trajectory. I now feel better equipped to navigate the intricate complexities of the social work profession and make a meaningful difference in the lives of those I will serve. I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to have gained practical experience in an international setting like Singapore, as it has truly enhanced my professional growth and ignited an unwavering passion for social work within me.'