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聯繫實習機構及協調工作之分享會 | 2020年3月20日 (星期五) | (Closed)

日期: 2020年03月20日(星期五)

時間: 14:00 - 15:00

地點: 日期:2020年3月20日(星期五)

時間:14:00 - 15:00


HKU Master of Social Sciences (Counselling) Programme is a part-time postgraduate programme. By the last year of study, all students should attend a practicum training. Each student will be arranged with a social service organization to work with. The practicum coordinator therefore invites local agencies to form a partnership and offer placement for the students. This sharing starts with a brief introduction of different ways to connect with various agencies, follow by the skills to sustain the partnership. 

香港大學社會科學碩士課程(輔導學) 是一個兼讀制研究生碩士課程。於課程的最後一年, 所有學生必須參加實習課程。每位學生被安排到社會服務機構進行實習。實習課程統籌主任邀請本地機構參與協作, 為學生提供實習機會。此分享會將由統籌主任簡介聯繫機構之方式, 以及維持與機構合作之技巧。 

Ms. CHAN Tim-ching Tess is Registered Social Worker in Hong Kong and specialized in youth and school settings for more than 9 years. Ms. Chan was also a graduate in the HKU Master of Social Sciences (Counselling) Programme who worked as a teaching staff since 2013 and took up the practicum coordination. She has been working with more than 40 local organizations to set up the partnership with the programme. Ms. Chan was currently an Assistant Lecturer for the programme and organizes different workshops and lectures for students to prepare their practicum training ahead. 

陳憩晴女士是一位註冊社工, 畢業後從事本地中學駐校之工作超過九年。陳女士亦是香港大學社會科學碩士課程(輔導學)之畢業生, 於二零一三年加入課程教學團隊, 並擔任實習課程統籌主任。她曾連繫超過四十間社會服務機構, 為學生安排實習機會。陳女士現時為課程助理講師, 舉辦不同形式的工作坊及課堂, 讓學生為實習課程做好準備。